More than just a hotel for business travelers
Rate structure
corporate rates
Personal space
Traveling and yet at home, means arriving and feeling comfortable after a stressful business trip. Enjoy your privacy with all the comforts of self-catering in our cozy studios and spacious apartments.
Comfort zone
Our timeless Nena Apartments and Studios are equipped with all the comforts to feel at home and are the ideal place to live and work. With a fully equipped kitchenette in every studio and apartment, all-round care is assured.
Good value for money
Specially negotiated corporate rates and transparent rates adjusted according to the length of stay. We help you keep track of your business travel expenses and get the best price with flexible booking conditions.
Feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to your call.
Benefits Corporate clients
Short communication channels and personal contact persons for booking and on-site support by our House Managers in all Nena Apartment locations.
Fair pricing policy
With Nena Apartments you will always travel favorable with your special corporate rates for short term stay and long term packages for 1 week, 1 month or longer. The longer the stay the more savings.
Simple and flexible booking processes
Own company login or booking code. Book your company rate online via our website in just a few steps and receive your booking confirmation immediately. All bookings and invoices at a glance in their personal online access for bookers and travelers.
Many years of experience
We have many years of experience in working with corporate clients and know their needs and requirements very well. We already support many companies, embassies, agencies and authorities to find the right accommodation.
Facts1, 2 and 3
Cancellable rates free of charge
Company rates bookable online around the clock
Flexible check-in possible
Free internet
Bed linen and towels service incl.
Personal check-in by our House Manager
Rate structure
Offers for groups
Transparent offers for long term stays,
depending on the length of stay